


? ? 东微半导体建设于2008年,注册资源4224万元,是一家手艺驱动型的半导体手艺公司,也是海内仅有的少少数以原创半导体晶体管结构为焦点手艺的公司 。在作为半导体焦点手艺的器件领域有深挚的手艺积累,专注半导体器件手艺立异 。公司拥有多项半导体器件焦点专利已有50多项发明专利,包括十多项外洋专利,有多项自主知识产权的国际原创焦点器件手艺 。

? Oriental Semiconductor was founded in 2008, registered capital is 42.24million yuan. Oriental Semiconductor is a technology driven semiconductor company. It is one of the very few companies focuses on semiconductor transistor structure innovations. The company has a number of core patents of semiconductor devices and series of publications on the international top journals. The company has more than 50 patents, including U.S.and PCT patents.